The Basic of Development Screenings

Developmental screens can prove crucial for ensuring that your child enjoys healthy, holistic development. Should you be looking for developmental screens in Plainfield, IL, get in touch with Kids First Pediatrics. Dr. Kristine Liberty, Dr. Steven Kovar, Dr. Jessica Ciszek. They can also help with many other things, so feel free to reach out if you need assistance.

The Basic of Development Screens

Many parents keep a close eye on their children and their development. However, it can be hard to spot many developmental issues, including problems with speech, difficulties regulating emotions, and struggling to pick up certain educational concepts. With developmental screening, medical professionals can take a closer look at a child to see if any issues are uncovered. If issues are uncovered, they can be addressed.

Developmental screenings, on their own, are not meant to diagnose a child and his or her condition. Instead, the screening is a first step and the goal is to see if further diagnostics are needed. If the screening turns anything up, further steps will often be recommended to explore whether developmental challenges are present and if a child might be autistic or have a condition like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Among other things, doctors and other childhood specialists can check to see if your child is meeting various crucial milestones. Even children without developmental challenges may fail to make some milestones as quickly as other children. That said, if your child is missing multiple milestones or is falling quite far behind, it may be due to an underlying development issue. Addressing the issue could greatly improve their well-being both now and in the future. If you’d like to schedule developmental screens in Plainfield, IL, reach out to Kids First Pediatrics. Dr. Liberty, Dr. Kovar, and Dr. Ciszek can assist.

Development screenings often center around questionnaires. Both parents and children could be asked questions. If you’ve noticed any activities that have raised concerns, it’s wise to write them down and raise them with your pediatrician. When it comes to screenings, one of the most important things to accomplish is setting up a clear line of communication between parents, children, and medical providers.

Next Steps After a Development Screening

Often, screenings don’t turn up any serious issues and further intervention or diagnostics may not be needed. Of course, you may notice things later on that raise concerns, and it’s always smart to raise those issues with your child’s pediatrician. In some cases, potential issues will emerge, and the doctor will recommend further steps.

Should a developmental issue turn up, a doctor can help you formulate care and treatment plans. If you’d like to schedule developmental screens in Plainfield, IL, contact Kids First Pediatrics. Dr. Liberty, Dr. Kovar, and Dr. Ciszek are ready to help. You can reach them at (815) 609 5437.

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