

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in your life. Nothing is more rewarding than the privilege of caring for this new life and providing an environment in which both you and your child will thrive and develop. Choosing the pediatrician that can best care for your child is an important decision. At Kids First Pediatrics, we share your joy and enthusiasm and look forward to the opportunity to partner with you on the exciting journey of raising a child.

One evening a month, we schedule a "Meet and Greet" session to allow you to meet one of our doctors and learn about our office. Call our office at (815) 609-5437 during business hours to sign up for one of these sessions. Please note that space is limited.

Upon Arrival

If your baby is born at Edward Hospital, simply tell your obstetrician and the hospital staff that you have chosen Kids First Pediatrics as your child's pediatrician. Our office will be notified of your baby's birth by the hospital staff. One of our doctors will visit and examine your baby within the first 24 hours of birth and will visit daily until you and your baby are discharged home. We follow up in the office about two to three days after discharge.

 If your baby is born at a different hospital, a staff pediatrician will examine your baby daily. Upon discharge, please contact us to schedule your baby's first visit to our office (which is usually within one to two days of being discharged home).

Vitamin K

In keeping with the standard of newborn care, we strongly recommend vitamin K for newborn infants to facilitate clotting. Without vitamin K, some babies will have catastrophic bleeding which can lead to permanent brain damage and even death. The preferred method for a newborn to receive vitamin K is as a one-time injection into the child’s thigh. This is routinely given to your baby at the hospital, right after delivery. Our pediatricians and the American Academy of Pediatrics believe that the oral administration is not acceptable alternative, and we do not provide oral vitamin K in the office. Please be aware that it is our office policy to require newborns to receive injectable vitamin K. We would be happy to discuss this further with you.

Feel free to explore a summary of the AAP position on vitamin K at healthychildren.org.

Useful Information

Visit our website pages, Our Office and Our Doctors, to learn more about us.

Visit the Newborns page to learn more about what to expect the first few days of life.

Again, Congratulations! Enjoy this exciting time. Thank you for choosing Kids First Pediatrics for the care of your child.

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