Asthma in Children

Has your child been diagnosed with asthma or are you concerned they might have it? Dr. Kristine Liberty, Dr. Steven Kovar, and Dr. Jessica Ciszek at Kids First Pediatrics – your pediatrician in Plainfield, IL – put together this guide to help parents be educated and proactive in this challenge.

Guide To Asthma in Children: Signs, Triggers, Treatment, and Management

If your child is living with asthma, they're not alone. It's a very common respiratory issue among children and teens that impacts their quality of life and can potentially be fatal.

As a parent, you want to do everything possible to keep your child healthy and well. Dr. Liberty, Dr. Kovar, Dr. Ciszek, and the rest of the team at Kids First Pediatrics in Plainfield, IL share some important information below to help you do that, including how a pediatrician can help.

How Can I Tell If My Child Has Asthma?

Asthma is a respiratory issue that includes lung inflammation and narrowing of the bronchial tubes leading to various symptoms, such as the ones below.

  • Having a difficult time breathing, especially after being active. Keep in mind, though, that asthma can flare up at any time.
  • A chronic cough that they just can’t seem to shake. You might find that your child coughs when they are trying to sleep, which impacts the amount and quality of sleep they get.
  • Feeling like their chest is tight. Young children who have yet to learn the differences in their tummy and chest might complain of frequent stomachaches. Ask them to point to the area in pain so that you can determine where it’s actually coming from.
  • Making wheezing, whistling, or other strange sounds when they breathe – even when they aren’t sick.

What Triggers Asthma in Kids?

Your child’s triggers can be as unique as they are, but some common ones include:

  • Pests and pets
  • Changes in the weather
  • Smoke, either from cigarettes or a fire
  • Chemical smells, such as those in cleaning products
  • Mold and dust

How Can I Help My Child?

The first step is to schedule an appointment with your child’s doctor if you notice any signs. Try to take note of when their symptoms flare up to determine their triggers. You and your child's doctor can work together on a plan to avoid these triggers, implement any medication, have an emergency plan in place, and more to reduce your child’s risks and help them live as healthy as possible.

Visit Dr. Liberty, Dr. Kovar, or Dr. Ciszek at Kids First Pediatrics – your pediatrician in Plainfield, IL – by calling (815) 609-5437 for a proper diagnosis and a personalized asthma management plan for your child.

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