FAQs About Newborn Care

Have a brand-new little one at home? Dr. Kristine Liberty, Dr. Steven Kovar, and Dr. Jessica Ciszek at Kids First Pediatrics in Plainfield, IL, offer newborn care appointments to help parents give their children a bright start. 

FAQs About Newborn Care 

Having a newborn is exciting – but it’s also terrifying and exhausting. Dr. Liberty, Dr. Kovar, and Dr. Ciszek of Kids First Pediatrics in Plainfield, IL, provide some answers to common newborn care questions below to help ease your journey.

What if I can’t nurse my baby for as long as it’s recommended? 

Many moms want to breastfeed but cannot follow through with the one-year recommendation due to work and other obligations. The truth is that while a year is ideal, any nursing at all provides benefits – even if it’s just the first week. 

My baby won’t stop crying. What should I do? 

 Every parent has been there. They fed, changed, rocked, and talked or sang to the baby, but the baby just wouldn’t stop crying. It can be exhausting and frustrating for both you and the baby, especially since the baby can’t tell you what’s wrong. The best thing you can do at this point is to put your baby in a safe area, take a break, and breathe. Then, try soothing your baby again and call your pediatrician’s office if the crying persists.

How soon will I need to schedule my baby’s first appointment? 

Newborns are typically seen within their first week after birth. It’s wise to schedule the appointment as soon as you’re released from the hospital. 

How long will it take for my baby to sleep through the night? 

 Every baby is different, but it’s wise not to expect your baby to sleep through the night until they are at least four or six months old. Expect to be tired for some time, but remember that their short naps will come to an end. Try to catch short naps yourself when your baby sleeps. Ask for help from friends and family so you can catch a few hours of sleep yourself. And free up your schedule as much as possible so that you can rest when you get the opportunity. 

Does my baby need a bath every day? 

 Your baby doesn’t need more than a gentle sponge bath until their umbilical cord falls off. After that, they’ll only need a full bath a couple of times a week. 

Schedule your first newborn care appointment with Dr. Liberty, Dr. Kovar, or Dr. Ciszek at Kids First Pediatrics in Plainfield, IL, by calling (815) 609-5437.

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